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Tag "Yossi green"

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Yossi Green – Malas Ribui Halimud

It was years ago, in Chanuka of 1982, that I first discovered the little pamphlet ספר דרך הלימוד, one of the many ספרים that had been written and distributed to the public by the מוהרא”ש זצ”ל. He had imbued this

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2022 | Kefitzat Ha’Derech Project

This month we are celebrating a year since the beginning of the unusual project “Kefitzat Ha’Derech”, with a remix of Shloime Gertner’s song Happy Birthday, originally composed by Yossi Green from the album Say Asay. The project is managed by

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Avremi Roth With A New Song To Help Bring In The Spirit of Shabbos “Zohar Ha’Shabbos”

Singer and Chazzan Avremi Roth is releasing a new single in honor of Shabbos called Zohar Ha’Shabbos, composed by Yossi Green and arranged by David Taub.

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Tishrei Nachas – Yiddish Nachas, Yossi Green, Dovy Meisels, Mendy H, Negina, MK Production

MK Productions is proud to present the beautiful ‘Tishrei Nachas’ medley performed live at the A Time Shas-A-Thon grand Siyum Hashas in London, UK, where the Yiddish Nachas performed alongside Yossi Green, Dovy Meisels, the Negina Choir & The Mendy

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Assaf Shefer In A Refreshing Performance In Honor of Shabbos “Yedid Nefesh”

Singer Assaf Shefer performs with moving and pleasant singing a little taste of the poem Yedid Nefesh in the original and well-known performance of the great chasidic singer Avraham Fried which is sung in almost every home every Shabbat and

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Meir Ben Dror Renews Yossi Green & Dedi Graucher “Chessed V’emes”

The singer Meir Ben Dror recreates Yossi Green and Dedi‘s hit “Chessed V’emes“, in a different and unique arrangement by Leib Levitan.

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Towards Elul: Itzik Weingarten Sings Yossi Green “Shimcha Noeh”

After burning through the playlist, Israeli singer Itzik Weingarten collaborates with the great composer Yossi Green in a particularly moving tune “Shimcha Noeh” from the prayer of U’nesaneh Tokef, the arrangement and musical production of the duo Eli Klein and

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Kobi Grinboim Releases His Debut Album: Zechus

Singer Kobi Grinboim releases his debut album “Zechus.” After years on the stage and singing at weddings, he concludes two years of closure in the studio and continuous recordings with an exciting result a fine and varied hit album that

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Moshe V’Dovid | Yossi Green ft. Shragee Gestetner ZT”L [Official Lyrical Video]

משה ודוד The Story I was once approached by a father of a boy whose name was Moshe Dovid ני”ו. As his son was becoming a Bar Mitzva, the father who loved Jewish music, contacted me to write them a

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Yossi Green With A New Song L’zecher Shragee Gestetner Z”L

הבן יקיר לי שרגי אליהו The Story Upon exiting the ניחום אבלים during the Shiva for Shragee Gestetner ז”ל, I was told by Gershy Moskowits that in addition to his family there was a very close ידיד and משפיע of

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