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Tag "Yossi green"

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Neemos Choir – Mechalkel Chaim (Vocal)

Composed By: Yossi Green Vocal Arrangements By: Mordechai Berger Mens & Boys Choir Directed By: Mordechai Berger Originally Sung By: Menachem Moskowitz Cover By: Schreiber-design

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Fried’s New Song “Vayosha”

Dear friends, a good and blessed month, You are already familiar with the song “Vayosha“, although it has not been released professionally so far. Two challenging years have passed since that eve of Pesach 5779, when we were sitting in

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Brand New! Uzi Bodner – Soul Of Shabbos – A Yossi Green Medley

This medley has a lot of meaning for me. About 9 years ago, when i became engaged to my wife I went to get a bracha from the Novominsker Rebbe Zt”l. I wanted to take the opportunity to get direction

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A Classical Kumzitz To Remember – Yoel Dovid Goldstein

A beautiful kumzitz medley with a heartwarming mix of songs, A Classical Kumzitz to Remember will touch your heart and have you singing along with the talented Yoel Dovid Goldstein. In addition to featuring six nostalgic favorites, A Classical Kumzitz

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Yossi Green Wit A New Single “Leiv Ovois Uvonim”

By stating first that the accepting hearts of parents will welcome their children unconditionally, Eliyahu Hanovi seems to be laying out the sequence which will then be followed by children everywhere turning their hearts back toward their parents. The people

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Project Kefitzas Haderech Releases “Yesh Emunah 2022” By Amit Listvand

Monthly tradition: Another musical work, the second in the “Kefitzas Haderech” series, is released on Rosh Chodesh Tevet and continues the revolutionary idea, Ltd.: Every Rosh Chodesh, another song in the series is distributed. The first song in the “Dida

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Tempo 128 – Zrilly Wertzberger, Lev Choir & Naftali Schnitzler Productions

Story time: Who is this ‘soon to be everyone’s favorite’ singer Zrilly Wertzberger? Zrilly began his career as a member with the popular Lev Voices choir, eventually moving on as a soloist performing at Kumzitz all over. With his talents

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A Groundbreaking Musical Venture: “K’fitzas Haderech” With The Frist In The Series “Didoh Bei 2022”

An unusual new venture is underway these days. The first musical work from the “K’fitzas Haderech” series is published on Rosh Chodesh Kislev, and opens the signal for a monthly tradition, Ltd.: Each Rosh Chodesh, another song in the series

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Yossi Green Releases The 8th Note [Official Lyrical Video]

The Heavenly Musical Scales With great Siyato Dishmayo, I am happy to announce that Yossi Tyberg and I are hard at work and B”H making progress in the creation of our next musical project, which we will hopefully name “The

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Elul Is Here: Yechiel Lichtiger & The Children’s Choir “Sifsoseinue Neranena” Sing “Keracheim Av”

You must have heard about the children’s choir “Sifsoseinue Neranena” whether it is in the “Tefilas Shabbos Medley” by singer Micha Gamerman or you may have seen them very recently on the show ‘Olim Liyerusholayim’, you all probably know the

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