Pictures from “Shwekey Returns to Caseria” Show

The huge audience was thirsty for his songs, and the last 2 nights chassidic singer Yaakov Shwekey did not let them down when he appeared for the second time Hall of Fame of Israeli music. The stadium at Caseria was full to capacity and not just in the audience by on stage as well. Two hundred voices, 60 musicians with instruments, duets, new songs and guests performances. Missed the show? Well you can at least see the gallery below and marvel at the concert that was. Guest performers were Chazan Yitzchok Meir Helfgot & Chaim Israel. Surprise guests were Baruch Levine and two of the Shapiro Brothers (Acheinu).
Photos by Israel Bardugo & Mendy Hechtman
Yaakov & Chaim Israel
producer Sharon Daniel & Menahem Toker discuss the sets for he show
(from l to r) Yochi Briskman, Chazzan Helfgot & Yaakov
200 voice choir & 60 musicians
Yaakov with the children’s choir
MC Menachem Toker
(from l to r) Yochanan Shapiro , Chaim Yisrael, Chazan Helfgot, Yaakov Shwekey, Baruch Levine & Yisroel Meir Shapiro
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