Summer Music Season Opens With The New Single From Eli Hertzlich “Chosson Domeh La’Melech”
Eli Hertzlich is one of the most sought-after singers and performers in the world of Chassidic music and concerts. Because of his vocal talent, he has been able to connect to and touch many different types of communities.
“Chosson Domeh La’Melech”, is his first single in four years. The song was composed and produced by Mona Rosenblum.
For the production of his first album, Eli has chosen quite an impressive lineup of composers, mixers/masters, graphic designers, etc. Just some of the names on the list are Yossi Green, Yitzy Waldner, Moshe Laufer, Mona Rosenbloom, Yishai Lapidot, Dudi Kalish, Ron Tichon, Eli Laufer, Alex Mittleman, Ilya Lishinsky, and Levik Toboul. This is just a partial list. This album will be amazing!!!
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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