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Tag "Moshe Laufer"

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Mayer Werdyger With A New Uplifting Single: “Hinei Zeh Boh”

“Hiney Zeh Boh” is an energetic track drawn from the uplifting words of Kiddush Levana. Sung by Mayer Werdyger, this song takes you back to the golden era of Jewish music in the 90s, with its vintage feel and infectious

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Yoeli Doppelt Presents His Debut Album “Shiru Shiru”

Yoeli lives in Boro Park with his family where he is on staff at the Chaburah of Brooklyn ( and operates his construction waste business, Gold Industriez. Yoeli and his family lived in Yerushalayim for 15 years. He was a

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Isaac Honig & Yiddish Nachas Choir With A New Song: “Ve’Harev Nu” By StudioOnTime

MusicOnTime is proud to announce and introduce to you StudioOnTime, where we take pride in creating your singles, albums, and personal projects in a professional manner. Our services include song selection, music arrangements, mixing and editing, recordings, and much more!

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Pinchas Ben Naim Presents: Avi Man “Lifnei Hachupah”

After a series of hits, including “B’Emunah”, “Shir Lamaalot” and “Basof ze Yavo”, Avi Man releases and exciting and original chuppah song. It was composed by Eli Laufer and arranged by Moshe Laufer.

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More Than A Chazzan: Nissim Saal Surprises With A New Single – “V’asayem Bitfilah”

After conquering the world stages of chazzanus and cantorial music, Nissim Saal surprises all with a new original single not in the chazzanus genre. The song titled V’asayem Bitfilah was actually purchased by Nissim’s producer and manager Yochi Briskman years

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Michoel Pruzansky – Once Upon a Time (Album Sampler)

It is my honor and privilege to present to the world of Jewish music some of the most powerful English songs to have ever been recorded. These are songs that inspire us to grow, to connect to Hashem, and to

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Wiederker’s Composition: Itzik Weingarten – Sason Vesimcha

Renowned composer Meir Martin Wiederker is hosting rising star Itzik Weingarten in a new single called Sason Vesimcha, arranged by R’ Moshe Laufer.

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Avi Man In A New Single In Honor Of Matan Torah “Kad Yasvun”

One of the songs more identified with the chag of Matan Torah is “Kad Yasvun” in the well-known melody that has received hundreds of different versions and performances. Now, a few days before the yom tov, an original and exciting

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Hashpuos – Mordechai Ben David – R’ Cheskie Weisz – Hashpaous [Album Sampler]

After a high rate of success with his first album Lev El Hanshama, R’ Cheskie Weisz is bringing a brand new project to the Jewish music world. The new album, titled Hashpaous, features eleven beautiful tracks, one of which features

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Seven Years Of Work & Anticipation: Nemouel’s Debut Album “Alef” Is Finally Here!

After seven years of work and a battery of singles throughout that time which turned into hits, singer Nemouel Harosh released his debut album called “Alef”. The album contains fifteen tracks ranging in styles and genres from Chassidish to Israel,

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