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More Than A Chazzan: Nissim Saal Surprises With A New Single – “V’asayem Bitfilah”

More Than A Chazzan: Nissim Saal Surprises With A New Single – “V’asayem Bitfilah”

After conquering the world stages of chazzanus and cantorial music, Nissim Saal surprises all with a new original single not in the chazzanus genre. The song titled V’asayem Bitfilah was actually purchased by Nissim’s producer and manager Yochi Briskman years ago. Yochi knew the song was a hit, it was just a matter of finding the right voice with which to present it to the world.

It seems that there isn’t a style that Saal can’t master. Chazzonus, Cantorial, Opera, English classics. He nailed them all, and now with the new single, Nissim will be entering the arena of mainstream Jewish singers. The song penned by the talented composer Yochanan Gordon, was masterfully arranged by the veteran composer and arranger from Israel, Moshe Laufer. This classic and timeless arrangement will make sure that V’asayem Bitfilah will be around for everyone to enjoy for years to come.

Nissim Saal is the official chazzan of the Yeshurun shul in Rechavya for Yomim Noroim and on select Shabbosim during the year. The shul seats 800 comfortably. However, on the days when Nissim is leading the services, it often fills up to about 1,400, with people standing in the aisles. Saal has been traveling and performing at sold out concerts across the globe.

In just two weeks on March 10th, Nissim has a major concert with a full 50 piece symphony orchestra conducted by Ofir Sobol right here in Manhattan. The concert titled Chazzanus & Classics will also feature internationally recognized Chazzanim Motti Boyer and Zevi Muller as well as renowned arranger and conductor Yisroel Lamm, performing a full Philharmonic experience for the first time in decades.

Tickets for the show can be purchased at:


Produced and directed: Yochi Briskman

Composed by: Yochanan Gordon

Lyrics by: Ari Bergmann/Tefilah

Choir by: Yedidim Internation

Arranged by: Moshe Laufer

Mixed by: Chaim Gottesman

Video by: Contrast Studio

Filmed by: Moshe Zaguri

Additional footage by:

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