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Avi Miller Sings R’ Hillel Paley

Avi Miller Sings R’ Hillel Paley

While we are in the midst of the Aseres Yemei Teshuva, and moments away from Yom Kippur, singer Avi Miller is releasing his first album “Avi Miller Sings R’ Hillel“.

The album is a collection of some of the best and biggest hits of R’ Hillel Paley, which for the first time are being put together in one album, in a Kumzitz-style arrangement. The musical production and arrangements were done by the mega talented Shua Fried, and when combined with Avi Miller’s vocals, what you get is something special indeed.

Avi Miller sings and performs at weddings and events, and has been davening for the Amud for many years already.

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R' Hillel PaleyShua Fried

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