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“Zeir Anfin” Yitzchak Meir & Friends Make Shabbos In Middle of The Week

“Zeir Anfin” Yitzchak Meir & Friends Make Shabbos In Middle of The Week

After the great success with his previous two albums of Zemirei Sabbat, Yitzchak Meir now releases the third and final installment in his Sabbath Zemirot. Just like the last two, this new album will help people FEEL their the songs in their souls and hopefully like Atika Kadisha, will sell more than 20,000 copies.

The new album “Zeir Anfin” contains songs from Seuda Shlishis and Kabbalat Shabbat Carlebach and features many collaborations and surprises. Yitzchak host artists musical spectrum in Israel: David D’Or, Minister exciting duet with the poetry of corral composed by Rabbi David Leibowitz, Shlomo Katz a student of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, performs along with Yitzchak Mizmor Shir from Kabbolas Shabbos the world renown composition of Carlebach. To help you feel right at home in a meighborhood shul and Shabbat table for your home, Pirchei Etzion is also making its mark on this album and another little surprise, Rabbi Michi Yosefi joins the singing melody Lecha Dodi’s known.

All this celebration was under the leadership of winning musical arranger Eran Klein. Together they were all put us into the atmosphere of the Sabbath, the collection of old Chassidic melodies such as Ger, Sanz, Breslov, Moditz and more, along with tunes and melodies from the modern era. As with the previous respective albums, this album also submitted all Hasidic melodies in Hebrew language (and not Evris) and rendering authentic.

Yitzchok Meir (31) grew up in Gamzu, son of a seat and the younger brother of journalist yedidya Meir (Army Radio, live sound, seven), currently lives with his wife and son in Rechevya, Jerusalem. He previously attended yeshivas in Jerusalem (Mir and Hebron) and relatively older age he joined the army and fought in the Second Lebanon War. After his military service, he joined the Beit Midrash “Beit Morasha”, and since he teaches spiritual centers for teaching Judaism, Jewish thought and storks to religious and secular audiences.

Later CDs issued by Isaac brought musical performances in which he intertwines the content of Torah and Chassidic story along with the melody and poetry. “I noticed that all the power of speech and with all the power that the analysis of theoretical texts, there is nothing comparable to even play one sung advocates a simple and spontaneous way with the audience,” he says. These days longer, Meir worked on the next disc. This time the album of new songs composed by following these learning sessions Chassidic teachings.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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1 comment

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  1. ted
    ted 16 June, 2016, 03:32

    heard Yitzchak Meir first time in my life on Shevuot at the Plaza hotel in Nazareth, I am known as tone deaf, having admitted to that, I enjoyed hearing him, he was wonderful beyond words, every time someone led the davening and it wasn’t him, I was disappointed. He did an exceptionally beautiful davening on Kabbalat Shabbat.


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