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Yosef Chaim Shwekey launches website

Yosef Chaim Shwekey launches website


Singer Yosef Chaim Shwekey, previously known as Yosef Chaim finally finished his website. You can view it by visiting The website is available in both Hebrew and English. Yosef Chaim made Aliya earlier last year and is currently working on his second album.

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1 comment

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  1. Ifrah Tsipi
    Ifrah Tsipi 28 January, 2014, 12:47

    Hye Yossef

    I was in wintzenheim for the concert. It was a great moment. Since, i listened all the Time tour songs on Youtube.
    Coule you sens me all tour Disc and saying me How much does it cost and How CAN I pay you.

    Thanks for all the pleasure you give us. In hoping seing you soon in Colmar.


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