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Tag "Yosef Chaim Shwekey"

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Yosef Chaim Shwekey: B’zchus Hatzaddik

B’zchus Hatzaddik is a new pop single in the mountains of Meron, with a unique and accurate message about the feelings and longing of every Jew and the great salvation brought about through Rabbi Shimon.Although this song is coming out

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Simcha Jacoby – Zman Simchaseinu

Zman Simchaseinu, this is a time for Simcha! Since the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed we don’t get to experience the Simchas Beis Hashoeiva anymore. Whoever one of the greatest simchas we do get to experience in our lifetime, are wedding

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Journey To Yerushalayim With En3rgy & Moshe Tischler

Yerushalayim, the holiest city in the world. Each day, for over two thousand years, Jews around the world pray towards you and long for the day when the Beis Hamikdash will be rebuilt and the world will see your glory.

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Energetic LIVE Performance Shloimi Meisler ,Listig Band & Negina Choir

The world renowned singer Shloimi Meisler of Antwerp, Belgium, who has gained an incredible prominence and is a fixture at weddings, and at any given occasion alike, presents a real hit, energetic music video. Meisler who grew up and resides

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Yosef Chaim Shwekey Returns With An All New Single “Chazor Becha”

Though its been two years since the release of his last album, singer Yosef Chaim Shwekey returns to the stage with an all new single. The song, “Chazor Becha,” is taken from a letter written by the Chazon Ish zt”l

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The Shlager Project – Official Preview (HD)

Levik Tubul recently released an album that he has been working on for two years already. The Shlager Project features performances by some of the biggest names in Jewish chassidic music. Dedi, Lipa, Yeedle, Motti Shteinmetz, Yishai Lapidot, Dovid Gabay,

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Second Single From The Shlager Project “Vechozakto” by DEDI!

Who didn’t grow up on Dedi‘s great hits!? Hu Yigal Otanu, Ki Heim Chayeinu, Omnom, and many others, for example. In the past few years Dedi has taken some time off from his musical life, and focused mainly on his

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First Single From The Shlager Project “Leoiso Hazman” By Motty Steinmetz

For the new album that Levik Touboul has been working on for the past two years, he has invited some of the biggest names in Jewish music such as: Dedi, Lipa, Yeedle, Motty Steinmetz, Yishai Lapidot, Dovid Gabay, Avremi Roth,

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Naftali Kalfa “Serenity Prayer/Tfilat Hashalva”

The powerful and meaningful lyrics of this song have a universal appeal. Millions of people around the world turn to God daily and pray for serenity & clarity to distinguish between what we can change. The song is accompanied by

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Rabbi Yitzchok Rubin Releases Debut Album “Ya-er” [Audio Sampler]

Rabbi Yitzchok Rubin just released his first album titled “Ya-er“! After decades of singing, performing, and composing, the moment has finally come. All the compositions featured on this album are Yitzschok’s original tunes and songs that he composed over the

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