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Shloime Taussig – Besoiros Toivos [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Shloime Taussig – Besoiros Toivos [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Chanania Goldenberg who has been always been associated with the world of Chessed and also closely involved in Jewish Music, particularly with Shloime Gertner and Shloime Taussig as well as producers Gershy Moskowitz and Yossi Tyberg (TeeM Productions) made a Pidyon Haben for his einkel born to his son Shlomi This morning. In honor of this momentous simcha a single is being released out entitled “Besoiros Toivos” (good news). The song a Pinky Weber composition, is performed by a close friend of the family Shloime Taussig and produced by Gershy Moskowitz. Shloime is hot off the release of his second album Taussig 2 which is full of hits and a real treasure.
We would like to wish the Goldenberg family a hartzige Mazel Tov and may this new song help bring “Besoiros Toivos” (good news) for 2013.
Click HERE to download the song FREE.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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below is a picture of Shloime working on the song

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  1. Daniel flam
    Daniel flam 2 January, 2013, 13:52

    Brass by: Danny Flam of

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