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Pinchas Sheinberger Host Mendy Weiss “Lehodiah”

Pinchas Sheinberger Host Mendy Weiss “Lehodiah”

Pinchas Sheinberger is releasing a new Purim single called Lehodiah. The lyrics were composed already a number of years ago, but he waited for the right time to release it.

Scheinberger is a Kretchnif Chassid from Rechovot and has three albums that he has produced already under his belt. He is joined by singer Mendy Weiss on this song, which was arranged and produced by Ami Cohen. The song also features choir vocals by Yaakov Rotblatt and the Yedidim choir.

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Ami CohenMendy WeissYaakov RotblattYedidim Choir

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