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Tag "Mendy Weiss"

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Yaakov Rothblatt Presents: The Great Chassidic Singers Renewing The Hit “Nigun Ashlag”

In a large and well-invested production, the musician Yaakov Rothblatt, the great chasidic singers Areleh Samet, Shlomi Eskel, Mendy Weiss, Yissachar Guttman, Yedidim International Choir and the children’s choir ‘Yingerlich‘, conducted by Shimon Chaim Lichtman, in an immersive and well-invested

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Mendy Weiss, Simcha Abramcyk & Neshama Choir “Simcha Dance 2”

Musician and arranger, Simcha Abramcyk, releases ‘Simcha Dance 2’.It is an energetic compilation of music, featuring star Chassidic singer, Mendy Weiss, along with the Neshama Choir in a never before seen spectacular stage clip.Musical Production: Simcha AbramczykArrangement: Simcha Abramczyk, Srulik

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On His Way Finishing A New Album: Mendy Weiss In A New Single/Video “VeKayomo”

In the midst of working on the new album that is on the way, Mendy Weiss releases a new hit with the words “VeKayomo” words that every chosson and kallah daven for on their wedding day, to the rhythmic and

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Mendy Weiss, Itzik Eisenshtat & Malchus Choir “Breeders”

Mendy Weiss and Itzik Eisenshtat, together with the Malchus choir and performed a live version of Shloime Daskal‘s hit song Breeders, composed by Avraham Weiss.

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In The Song of Shloime Meir: Mendy Weiss & Shloime Meir “Kavod Latorah”

In honor of Shavous, Mendy Weiss and Shloime Meir are teaming up for a fun and energetic duet called Kavod Latorah, composed by Shloime Meir, produced by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry. Shloime composed the song a while ago, and

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Hashpuos – Mordechai Ben David – R’ Cheskie Weisz – Hashpaous [Album Sampler]

After a high rate of success with his first album Lev El Hanshama, R’ Cheskie Weisz is bringing a brand new project to the Jewish music world. The new album, titled Hashpaous, features eleven beautiful tracks, one of which features

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Mendy Weiss – Havei Rotz LaMishnah

In honor of the Siyum of Seder Zeraim of thousands of children of the Zichron Chana organization, Mendy Weiss is releasing a special song composed by Bentzi Stein, arranged and produced by Yanky Landau.

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Akiva Grohman, Malchus Choir & Friends Meet Up Once Again!

Remember the clip “Shulem Zucher“? Are you yearning for oldies? Special Shabbos Songs? After being honored with “The Clip of The Year”, and much after that it’s collection of songs turned into one specific musical piece sung wherever you just

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Iyh By Dir – Audio Sampler [Official Preview]

After months of hard work the amazing project is finally available for purchase and streaming. Presenting the brand new album called “Iyh By Dir“, by the talented Shir V’shevach Boys Choir under the leadership and direction of Chaim Meir Fligman

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Mendy Weiss With A New Single “Yomar Tzoroseinu Dai”

During this intensely trying time of Corona, Mendy Weiss received a composition from his friend Bentzi Stein to the words of Mi She’amar Leolamo Dai Yomar Tzoroseinu Dai. Hershy Seigel produced the clip of the song. Hershy Weinberger helped write

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