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On His Way Finishing A New Album: Mendy Weiss In A New Single/Video “VeKayomo”

On His Way Finishing A New Album: Mendy Weiss In A New Single/Video “VeKayomo”

In the midst of working on the new album that is on the way, Mendy Weiss releases a new hit with the words “VeKayomo” words that every chosson and kallah daven for on their wedding day, to the rhythmic and sweeping melody Amon R. Shmueli Goldberger, a new name on the market that you will hear a lot about

Mendy writes: I choose to release this song during these trying times in order to strengthen the people of Israel even in this period, may the song continue to make hearts happy and bring us closer to G-d for the future as well. Additional tunes from the album are signed with his name.

Lyrics and music: Shmueli Goldberger

Arrangement and musical production: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry

Choir: a cappella choir conducted by Noti Rothman

Screenplay, direction and production: Israel Black

Concept and editing of the music video: Meli Rabi

Graphic design: Zaira

Public relations: Ba front

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