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Tag "Ami Cohen"

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In Honor of Shavous: Eli Herzlich “Gemara Medley” LIVE

Eli Herzlich is releasing a special medley called the Gemara Medley in honor of Shavous, which was performed live. The medley is accompanied by Ami Cohen, who arranged and produced it.

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Watch: A Special & Exciting LIVE Performance of The Shabbos Song

Eli Herzlich is releasing a brand new live version of his hit song Toiameha, featuring Ami Cohen and his band.

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As a ‘Tashura’ For His Daughter’s Wedding: Yoni Shlomo In A New Single “Tidbak”

Chabad singer Yoni Shlomo is releasing a brand new single for his oldest daughter’s wedding this week in France called Tidbak. The song was composed by R’ Meir Teichtal, and arranged and produced by Ami Cohen.

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Singer Natan Shoham Jumps Into The Winter With A New Song “Gelbiyah Medley”

Singer Natan Shoham is releasing an exciting new medley called the Gelbiyah Medley, arranged by Ami Cohen.

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New Music Video: Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen “Hakhel”!

Only two months have passed since chasidic singer Simche Friedman‘s hit “Bo Lepo” came out, and now a new, chasidic music video is coming out today in honor of “Zman Simchoseinu”! On the occasion of the Sukkot holiday of the

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Yoni Shlomo In A New & Freilach Single: “V’Hisanag”

The chassidic singer Yoni Shlomo, who appears at chassidic events and conquers huge deaths around the world, releases a bouncy chassidic single composed by Rabbi Meir Teichtel, Rabbi of the Chabad Oberville community in France, known for his fine melodies.

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Eli Herzlich & Zion Golan – Yismach Chatani

One is the great Yemeni singer, the other one of the singers of the younger generation in Jewish-chassidic music. Zion Golan and Eli Herzlich in a duet composed by Moti Rottler, originally performed by Shaul Hayun. Arranged by Ami Cohen.

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After Five Years: Simche Friedman Releases His Debut Album!

After 5 years of making music, releasing singles that are constantly played on radio stations and huge hits with millions of views on Youtube, this week the Chasidic singer Simche Friedman releases his debut album “Levadecha“. The album has 15

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The New Hit On Honor Of Rabbi Shimon, First In Acapella

Here is R’ Pinchas Scheinberger’s beautiful composition that he has always dreamed of in celebration of the upcoming Hilula of R’ Shimon Bar Yochai on Lag Baomer in Meron. The song is performed by Moshe Dov Hominer together with both

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With The Opening Of The Economy: Yoni Shlomo In A Single Full Of Faith – “Betach Bashem”!

Its been only three months since Chassidic singer Yoni Shlomo released his version of the Kuvlitz Niggun. Now Yoni is releasing a new single, called Betach Bashem, composed by R’ Meir Teichtal, the Chabad rabbi in a town in France.

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