Naftali Kalfa ft. Shlomo Katz – Tzion

Naftali Kalfa is a businessman and singer/composer who was born in Toronto, Canada on February 22nd, 1981. He is the eldest of eleven brothers and sisters. Naftali is happily married to Tamar kalfa and is the father to four amazing children, who serve as his strength and inspiration. Music has always had a deep place in Naftali’s life; from a young age he would sing and lead performances and prayer in shuls, school choirs and at events. Naftali attributes his love of music to his mother who is a very talented singer and musician.
Naftali appreciates quality music from many genres and his musical influences are diverse, and span from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach to Hasidic and rock music. Naftali’s first musical production was a collaboration with the Piamenta Brothers , on an album titled “Yihiyu Leratzon“. He is currently finishing a new album project which features guest artists such as Shlomo Katz, Gad Elbaz, rapper Shyne, and Yossi Piamenta. The song “Zion” is the first single released from the new album and features Shlomo Katz, an artist who deeply identifies with Carlebach music.
Shlomo Katz is a singer whose musical talent is deeply rooted; his father Avshalom is a well-known musician and chazzan, and his brother Eitan Katz is a famous singer/composer. Stemming from the warmth and love of music installed in him throughout his childhood by his father, Shlomo began to delve into the world of music at the age of 14, immediately after the passing of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, of blessed memory.
Shlomo was ordained a rabbi after years of study in Yeshivat Hamivtar. He combines the world of music with the world of Torah through his performances and classes, given around the world. Over the years Shlomo has released six albums, two with his brother Eitan and three solo albums: “VeHakohanim“, “Malei Olam“, “Live in Melbourne” and an album of rare Carlebach melodies with Chaim Dovid and Aaron Razel. Shlomo is best known for his original melodies of ‘Niggun Nevo‘ and ‘Shabbos Kodesh‘.
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