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Tag "Aaron Razel"

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An Important Song & Music Video: “Kazeh Hayita” – Aaron Razel & Aviel Sultan

Aviv Gatsof was best friends with Tzviki Lavi, a young married man who was tragically killed fighting in this war. When Tzviki died, Aviv composed lyrics in memory of his close friend, and found himself turning to Aaron Razel for

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Yonatan Razel & The Talmidim of Shirat Ha’Leviim “Shir Hamaalot”

Singer and artist Yonatan Razel is covering an old song of R’ Shlomo Carlebach, Shir Hamaalot, together with the students of the music school “Shirat Ha’Leviim“, which he administrates. Aaron Razel is also a guest duet on this song which

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Shema Yisrael – The Childrens Choir “Mishalot”

The children of the Mishalot Boys Choir are renewing the song by Aaron Razel called Shema Yisrael. The song was arranged and produced by Daniel Yishai.

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Aaron Razel – Ki Eshmera Shabbat

Aaron Razel is re-releasing his song Ki Eshmera Shabbat as a single, from his previously released album, K’Ben Ha’Mitgaageah. The song was composed and arranged by Aaron himself together with Avi Tal.

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First Time Ever In History! An international All Star Cast Being ‘Mekabel Shabbos’ In The Holy City Of “Tzfas”

First time ever in history! Malchus Choir, Zanvil Weinberger, Naftali Kempeh, Levi Falkowitz, Dovy Meisels, Aaron Razel – Being ‘Mekabel Shabbos’ in the holy city of “Tzfas”! Between these magical walls and ancient alleys have gathered an international ‘all star

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Aaron Razel & Yosef Nativ “Ha’Lev V’Hamaayan”

Aaron Razel is releasing a brand new music video for his song called Ha’Lev V’Hamaayan from his most recent album, together with his friend Yosef Nativ.

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Kobi Grinboim Releases His Debut Album: Zechus

Singer Kobi Grinboim releases his debut album “Zechus.” After years on the stage and singing at weddings, he concludes two years of closure in the studio and continuous recordings with an exciting result a fine and varied hit album that

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Aaron Razel In A Duet With David D’or – Shema Yisrael

Singer and composer Aaron Razel hosts singer and composer David D’or for an exciting duet in the unknown of Aaron Razel “Shema Yisrael“. Musical Arrangement and Production: David Ichilvich

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Aaron Razel With A New Nigun In Honor of Reb Shimon Bar Yochai

Here is a new niggun from Aaron Razel in honor of Lag Baomer called Ki Lo Tishakach Mipi Zaroh, in memory of the 45 Kedoshim who were niftar in Miron last year. The song was written, composed, and arranged by

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A New Song For Razel: Aaron Razel – Ani He’Ani

Just before the beginning of the Spring, Aaron Razel is releasing a new single that was written and composed by his wife Efrat. The song is called Ani He’Ani, another single towards his 13th (Bar Mitzvah) album, which has already

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