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Itzik Eshel “Besoif Kulam Yehiyou Breslov” Rabbi Nachman # 5

Itzik Eshel “Besoif Kulam Yehiyou Breslov” Rabbi Nachman # 5

The talented singer-songwriter Itzik Eshel just released a new single entitled “Besoif Kulam Yehiyou Breslov.”
The single also called “Rabbi Nachman 5,” is a song off the upcoming songs of Rabbi Nachman Project.

The single was written and composed by Itzik himself, and features musical arrangements by responsible Amos Cohen.

For the last few years Itzik has made sure to visit the kever of Rabbi Nachman on Rosh Hashanah, and he was the first singer to release songs for many radio channels based on Nachman writings. His songs became a major hits and an integral part of the trip to Uman.

Recently, Eshel released part two of his shabbos songs collection which has already sold over 50 thousand copies, and within this next year he hopes to complete the third in the series Shabbat Songs Part III. Eshel also holds a diverse wedding band leader. And sang all styles of Jewish music.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Amos CohenBesoif Kulam Yehiyou BreslovItzik Eshel

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