Halperin Presents: The New Hit Song In Honor of The “Knessia Gedola, Ashrecha”

IY’H, this coming Thursday, R’ Bentzi Stein will be introducing a brand new niggun in honor of the Torah and the 20,000 yeshiva bochurim ka’h who will be attending an event that’s purpose is solely to uplift and honor our precious and dear bochurei yeshiva. Gedolei Roshei Yeshivos, the elders of our generation will rise up together with pride and announce to our youth how we stand with strength and dignity beside them to give honor to our true heroes!
To announce out loud for all to hear: “Moshe emes ve’sorasoi emes”, and to those who toil in Torah-Ashrecha!
אשריך בעולם הזה בחיי התורה תורה הקדושה
לגיונו של מלך אשרינו אשרינו בחיי התורה עמלנו
Composed and sung by Bentzi Stein and accompanied by the Neshama choir led by Itzik Filmer.
Mixed by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry.
Arranged by Yonaton Blau.
Produced by Moshe Halperin and Nuta Levin.
Pr: Berish Filmer
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