“Ashreinu” By Chaim Gold [Official Music Video]
After two successful singles, young singer Chaim Gold is surprising us yet again, and this time he is focusing on grabbing the attention of the Chareidim in America and Israel with his new clip that was filmed in Jerusalem alongside famous presenters, musicians, and creators. In this new clip Gold is releasing the first taste of his new album “Ashreinu“, which will be released on Erev Shavuous. It has ten songs in it, fast, slow, with deep and meaningful lyrics, and produced by Jeff Horowitz.
Lyrics and Composition: Chaim Gold
Guitar: Yonatan Porat and Ariel Aharon
Drums: Barak Aharon
Keys: Achiyah Cohen
Bass: Aryeh Berkowitz
Violins: Gadi Pogatsch
Wind Instruments: Nachman Tzuker and Meir Weiner
Mixing and Choirs: Jeff Horowitz
Synths: Shmulik Aharon and Natan Yefet
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