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Baryo – Lo Nafsik Et HaSimcha

Baryo – Lo Nafsik Et HaSimcha

After releasing 3 full music albums in the past half-decade, as well as informing us that he plans to take a break from the music world, singer Baryo Chakshur is announcing that regardless, he does not intend to take a break from Simcha.

The arsenal of his hits now include a new exciting song that was written to the words of the holy Baal Shem Tov. Just like his other hits, such as Nafla Ateret Rosheinu, Berachamim, Or Ha’Levana, Ein Lanu Al Mi Le’Hisha’ein, Birshus (Shwekey), and others, so too this time Baryo composed and arranged this special song, which he hopes to raise the bar on Simchas.

In the past year, Baryo has jumped around from events in Israel and outside of Israel, where he is learning music and taking classes in sound development. Soon he will release a number of video clips for some of his songs, which have been filmed recently in Israel and New York.

So now that the mourning of Sefirah is over, its time to bring back the Simcha.

Lyrics: Baal Shem Tov
Vocals, Arrangement, and Composition: Baryo
Guitar: Nachman Hillvitz
Accordion: Chaya Dotan
Additional Sounds: Adi Netaneli, Sruly Brochner
Vocals: Nati Yisrael, Yedidya Bar-Ashi, Neriah Engel, Alon Bar Oz, Natan Shteuber (The Nachmanim)
Mix: Yaniv Blass
Mastering: Ron Tichon
Cover Design: Avoxvision
Recording Technician: Avraham Ziv
Studios: Niggun, Tanur (Israel), BMstudio (NYC)

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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