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Presenting The New Hit From Aaron Razel “Achi Yaish Lecha Aish?”

Presenting The New Hit From Aaron Razel “Achi Yaish Lecha Aish?”

Aaron Razel set up his place in the Beis Medrash (Kavati Et Moshavi) already two years ago, with his hit song that showed that it doesn’t matter where you come from or what type of Kippah you wear, if you love Torah your place is there with everyone else learning. The album, which became sort of an anthem for Bnei Torah, was very successful, and brought love for learning to the center of the stage.

Razel established himself in his learning in Kollel and continues to rise up and grow in his learning.
Aaron’s 10th album, “HaIsh B’Katzeh Ha’Minharah” is due to come out soon. This is a single from that album, called Achi Yaish Lecha Aish? written and composed by Aaron himself, and produced and arranged by Avi Tal.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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אהרן רזאל 2015

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