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Yaakov Shwekey – I AM ALIVE [New Music Video]

Yaakov Shwekey – I AM ALIVE [New Music Video]

Life goes by very quickly and we sometimes forget the simple fact that we get up in the morning healthy.
we’re able to breathe or able to walk or able to sing!
The song was inspired by Rabbi Miller‘s teachings my brother-in-law Mr. Isaac Cohen every single week would ask his children by the table how many days since Rosh Hashana do we have to thank Hashem for the fact that We’re Alive?
I thought it was a great lesson to relate through song..
This song is a reminder that every moment of life is priceless!
340 is just one example of a number of days that I’m thankful that I’m Alive!!

Song composed by Yitzy Waldner
Lyrics by Sophia Franco
Music Producer & Arranger by Ravid Kashti

Video Production: OlamMedia
Director: Aharon Orian
Producer: Chana Orian
Cinematographer: David Orian
Starring: Boruch Nojowitz

Times Square Show:
Shwekey Producer: Sharon Daniel Pro
Keyboard: Rafi Greidi
Sound Engineer: Moshik Tzabary
Multimedia: Izeek Daniel

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1 comment

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  1. Cg
    Cg 2 July, 2019, 20:40

    I can’t figure out how you got to the number 340, shouldn’t it be 355 (days in the jewish year)?

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