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Tag "Eli Klein"

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Pinchas Ben Naim Presents: Avi Man “Basof Ze Yavo”

Singer Avi Man is releasing a brand new single called Basof Ze Yavo, composed and arranged by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry.

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Shmulik Succot With A New Video “Hitoreri”

Shmulik Succot is releasing a brand new single called Hitoreri, composed by Bentzi Stein and arranged by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry.

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Shaya Lexier With A New Single “Higaleh Na”

Higaleh Na is a short few sentences from a small poem. Its striking words cry a message of yearning that has ignited the hearts of the Jewish people for centuries.All we want as the Jewish nation, is to be the

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Checkout This Uplifting Song “VeTumid Nesaper” By Zanvil Wienberger & Suscher Guttman

The song was composed by R’ Yosef Dov Landau in honor of his granddaughter’s wedding. The melody which is masterly woven in with the lyrics in a way that really compliments each other, talks about gratitude and being thankful for

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Yitzy & Shauly Waldner – Fargin Ah Yid

‘Yitzchok Perlstien’ a name synonymous with Chessed and awareness in Torah valuesspecifically his incredible awareness campaign and successes with the “Don’t talk in Shulmovement” getting thousands of Yiddin around the world to take upon themselves to stoptalking during the Davening,

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Ani Maamin – Naftali Kempeh In A New Melody To The Lyrics That Accompany Us These Days…

Singer Naftali Kempeh is releasing a brand new single called Ani Maamin which he composed himself after working hard to find the right words to express what he is feeling during this difficult time in Eretz Yisrael and around the

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In Faith We Will Win! Nemouel Sings Widerker “Nitzotz Shel Emunah”

Well-renowned composer Martin Widerker is featuring Nemouel for a brand new single called Nitzotz Shel Emunah, written by Eli Klein and composed by Martin. The song was arranged by Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry.

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Yankee Hill In An Exciting Single/Video: “Milah Shel Nechama”

A month since the tremendous tragedy on Simchas Torah in Israel, Yanky Hill is releasing a brand new single called Milah Shel Nechama, to try and bring a bit of comfort to Am Yisrael. Eli Klein wrote and composed the

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Shaya Gross, Yoeli Klein & Ari Hill In A New Song – Einenu Teluyos

Now in the Aseres Yemei Teshuva, moments before Yom Kippur, duo Shaya Gross and Yoeli Klein are releasing a brand new single together with Ari Hill called Einenu Teluyos, arranged by Yitzy Berry and Eli Klein.

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New Song: “Areshes” Ahrele Samet Composed By Cheskie Weisz

Get into the spirit of Rosh Hashana with this brand new soulful composition “Areshes”!Composer ‘R’ Cheskie Weisz’ invites you to enjoy a brand new song of his, released just in timefor the ימיםנוראים , at which he features the beautiful

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