New Song: “Areshes” Ahrele Samet Composed By Cheskie Weisz

Get into the spirit of Rosh Hashana with this brand new soulful composition “Areshes”!
Composer ‘R’ Cheskie Weisz’ invites you to enjoy a brand new song of his, released just in time
for the ימיםנוראים , at which he features the beautiful voice of “Ahrele Samet”.
The song full of depth and beautiful notes, and it’s lyrics, when sung by Ahrele and R’ Cheskie
seamlessly transform into a captivating and soul-stirring melody, which will capture the heart of
it’s listeners and take them into the Yom Tov spirits.
Under the skillful production of Moishy Roth, the song boasts an arrangement by the
exceptionally talented duo, “Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry,” known for their consistently outstanding
Collectively, it presents a beautiful melody for you to savor and connect with.
Composed by: R’ Cheskie Weisz.
Arranged by Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry.
Drums: Avi Avidani.
Bass: Nachman Helbitz.
Guitar: Avi Singolda.
Piano & Keyboards: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry.
Brass: Rafi Davidov, Shachar Livneh.
Strings: Baskay Records, UK.
Choir: Weinberger brothers, Naftali Landsman, Eli Klein, Yitzy Berry.
Mix & Master: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry.
Cover Design: Eli Kaufman – KZ Creative.
PR & Digital Media: JMI.
Special Thanks to Yossi Tyberg, Yeedle Werdyger, Mordechai Fligman, Eli Zieg & Moishy Roth.
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