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Tag "Ahrele Samet"

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Chaim Israel, Ahrele Samet, Meir Adler, Bentzi Stein & Ari Hill “Fire in Meron” Presented By Ohr Rashbi

Melodies of yearning, joy and enthusiasm, interwoven with genius that combines ancient emotional melodies from the past with songs that have recently been released. The great Chassidic singer joins the Mizrachi singer under the composer Bentzi Stein. In honor of

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NEW RELEASE: Brand New Niggun in Honor of Historic Munkatcher Wedding ft. Shimmy Engel, Ahrele Samet & Meir Adler

Great anticipation is being felt in the Munkatcher Chassidus as the date of the wedding ofthe Rebbe’s grandson, the youngest son of the Rosh Yeshiva, approaches. In honor of thisoccasion, the chassidus released a special beautiful composition, a Nigun from

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New Song: “Areshes” Ahrele Samet Composed By Cheskie Weisz

Get into the spirit of Rosh Hashana with this brand new soulful composition “Areshes”!Composer ‘R’ Cheskie Weisz’ invites you to enjoy a brand new song of his, released just in timefor the ימיםנוראים , at which he features the beautiful

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Lipa Medley LIVE – Ahrele Samet, Chaim Polak, Neshama Choir & Tzvika Rubin

Shmulik Kalish conducts the prestigious “Neshama” choir in Birmetz, and the music industry has stabilized! Watch a medley of “Lipa” songs, with conductor and choir founder Itzik Filmer conducting the expanded ensemble of choir members who came to celebrate the

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Srulik Raizman & Friends With Ahrele Samet & Bentzi Stein In A Colorful Video: “Kretchma”

Srulik Raizman, a friend of all the great musicians, gathered all the good friends to the prestigious chulent and Shabbat delicacies store in Jerusalem “Yossele Makir Shabbat” with complete surprise, the singer Ahrele Samet joined him. Srulik did not finish

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Get Into The Rhythm! “Av Harachaman” Off The Second “Avira D’Eretz Yisroel” Album By Ahrele Samet!

After becoming the undisputed machine of joy in the industry, two years ago Ahrele Samet released the dance album “Avira D’Eretz Yisroel,” which became an instant hit on every dance floor. With the beginning of the current chasuna season, Ahrele

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Dus Is En3rgy – ft. Ahrele Samet & Yedidim Choir

It’s a new year and EN3RGY is back with something unique! For the first time ever, a brand new Chassidish dance medley featuring Ahrele Samet on a US stage. This is a show stopping performance by En3rgy, Ahrele Samet and

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Menachem Moskowitz & Ahrele Samet: “Oidchu”

As a Chasidic artist I’m always on the lookout for some fresh material especially good old chasidish tunes such as Chabad etc. and recently came across this beautiful Uplifting Chabad tune. I approached Avrumi Berko to do the musical arrangements,

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Ahrele Samet & Shevach Boys Choir – Emes V’Kayam La’Ad

Singer Ahreleh Samet is releasing his new song called Emes V’Kayam La’Ad, composed on the words of the Tefillos of the Yomim Noraim. R’ Yehoshua Hanstater composed the song, which was arranged by Yoeli Dickman, and joined by the Yedidim,

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Ahreleh Samet With A New Single For Chodesh Elul “Aseh Imanu”

THANK YOU HASHEM #THY is releasing a new single called Aseh Imanu from Ahreleh Samet, from the Mevakshei Hashem album that was recently released. Nothing but Your Kindness “Ain booni maasim,” “We have no merits.” Generally associated with gravity and

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