Rafi Posner – B’Shem Hashem

Producer Shim Craimer introduces young singing sensation Rafi Posner with a brand new song by the composer of the mega hit Oseh Shalom.
Produced by Shim Craimer
Composed by Stephen Levey
Music arranged, mixed and mastered by Ian Freitor
Vocals recorded by Motti Cohen and Shim Craimer (remotely) at Mojo Studios, London
Choir arranged (for the Shabbaton Choir) by Benjamin Fingerhut
Choir recorded by Shim Craimer at Shiru Studios, Modi’in Israel
Artwork designed by Jonny Lipczer
Copyright Shiru Productions 2020
Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/album/1mhwGgh1rUCTf7FcHcjFSh?si=e9TrWi4eSxSr2TwqgNHnug
Apple music – https://music.apple.com/us/album/bshem-hashem-single/1513810804
Amazon Music – https://www.amazon.com/ap/signin?clientContext=134-4709705-2683844&openid.return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fmusic.amazon.com%2F%3FrefMarker%3Ddm_wcp_af_r%26marketplaceId%3DATVPDKIKX0DER%26ref%3Ddm_sh_3d8f-8fc8-dmcp-1c6c-6f440%26musicTerritory%3DUS&openid.identity=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.assoc_handle=amzn_webamp_us&openid.mode=checkid_setup&marketPlaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&pageId=amzn_cpweb&openid.ns=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0&openid.pape.max_auth_age=0&siteState=clientContext%3D139-0428718-6154453%2CsourceUrl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fmusic.amazon.com%252F%253FrefMarker%253Ddm_wcp_af_r%2526marketplaceId%253DATVPDKIKX0DER%2526ref%253Ddm_sh_3d8f-8fc8-dmcp-1c6c-6f440%2526musicTerritory%253DUS%2Csignature%3Dnull
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