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“Om Ani Choma” – Yeshiva Roeh Yisrael Sings Hoshana (New Single)

“Om Ani Choma” – Yeshiva Roeh Yisrael Sings Hoshana (New Single)

Om Ani Choma” is one of the Hoshanot that causes our heart to tremble and touches the depths of the qualities of our nation, which for many generations “has been thought of as sheep to slaughter” (נחשבת כצאן טבחה) only because it is “the only people who dedicates itself to You” (יחידה ליחדך) .

This Hoshana is said on Hoshana Rabba, and also at various times during Chol HaMoed. It has been given special status in Jewish communities and has even merited a melody attributed to Rabbi Levi Yitzchak from Berditchev, the defender of the holy Jews, who also added his own words in honor of Israel’s worth.

The music sung here was heard by our teacher and Rabbi, Rabbi David Dudkewitz, many years ago at the table of the Rebbe of Slonim. From there he brought this wonderful melody to the community of Yitzhar and to the “Roeh Yisrael” Yeshiva, where it is customary to sing it over the days of Sukkot and in times of great intent. It awakens Divine mercy, grace and lovingkindness towards Israel, “His holy flock” (צאן קדשים) , towards “Jacob’s communities” (קהילות יעקב) and “those dependent on You” (תמוכים עליך) – please save us!

We have tried to express the special spirit of our yeshiva during these uplifting days and throughout the whole year. Unfortunately, this year we will not merit praying and being together on Hoshana Rabba, and we hope and pray that this melody will awaken yearnings and longings towards each other and towards the Holy One, may He be blessed. May we all merit G-d judging us positively!!

You are invited to visit the yeshiva’s website and to enjoy the Torah content, to connect to our spirit and to be partners in giving a voice to the Torah from Yosef HaTzaddik’s portion of the Land of Israel!

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