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Nochi Krohn Releases New Acapella Single “Meyen Olam Haba”

Nochi Krohn Releases New Acapella Single “Meyen Olam Haba”

Yearning to connect to the Holiness of Shabbos, is one of the most wonderful and at the same time, daunting tasks. Shabbos is full of beauty and warmth. It’s our safe haven from the spiritual challenges that confront us during the rest of the week. Shabbos is the basket from which we reach deep down to pull out the strength we need during any challenging moment. Shabbos is the source of all Blessing. Almost like Heaven itself.

It’s on this most Holy day that we have a chance to refresh, think and make effort to connect to the flow of Love that emanates from it’s existence. Many at time, the challenge to connect puts a damper on the joyous spirits that embody this most incredible day and it’s wellspring of inspiration for life.

It’s with this in mind that i sing a heartfelt soft prayer to Hashem. Please always allow us to connect to you. Please always always allow us to rise above our challenges and to connect to you through the joys and blessings of Shabbos.

With the most love to fellow YEARNERS,
Shabbat Shalom Gut Shabbos,

Composed preformed and arranged by Nochi Krohn

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Meyen Olam HabaNochi Krohn

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