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Eitan Bochnik With A Song For Maran

Eitan Bochnik With A Song For Maran

The first Yahrtzeit of Rav Ovadia Yosef is rapidly approaching, and our feelings of loss just grow deeper and deeper. Eitan Bochnik, channeling these feelings, is now releasing a single expressing what we are missing. Bochnik wrote and composed the song himself which talks about the greatness of R’ Ovadia. In the middle of the song and at the end, small clips of Maran are played in order to stir our hearts and move us. Child vocalist Yonatan Shlomo Wilson guest stars in this single as well.

Lyrics and composition: Eitan Bochnik
Guitars, Drums, and Synth: Yonatan Tzauram
Keyboards: Yair Burshtein

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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