Dudi Kalish, Yanky Oish, Hershy Klein, Neshama Choir & Chassidmlech – A Yohr in Belz

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Here is a special performance of “A Yohr in Belz A Gantz Yohr in Hartz“, at the major Pischei Olam event of the Belzer Chassidus in Bnei Brak. The medley was performed by Yanky Oish and Dudi Kalish, featuring child soloist Hershy Klein, the Neshama Choir and Chassidmlech.
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A Gantz Yohr in HartzA Yohr in BelzA Yohr in Belz A Gantz Yohr in HartzChassidmlechDudi KalishHershy KleinNeshama choirYanky Oish Related Articles
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