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Now Available – Dirshu Siyum HaOlami CD

Now Available – Dirshu Siyum HaOlami CD

Almost one month ago the entire Jewish population of the world celebrated the Siyum Hashas of the Daf Yomi. At the same time Dirshu was also celebrating siyumim worldwide, two of which took place in Yad Eliyahu and in Binyanei Hauma.

Whenever a yid is celebrating a simcha, there will always be music. After all, the Leviim used to sing shiros to Hashem every single day in the Beis Hamikdash. Music is an integral part of Jewish life. When the Hanhala of Dirshu went looking for a single composition to encompass their gratitude to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, they ran into some trouble. You see, when word went out that the world renown Dirshu organization was looking for a composition, they received so many submissions that they couldn’t settle on a single one!

So the process began, which songs to keep and which to unfortunately let go. The Dirshu Siyum HaOlami CD wasn’t about putting out yet another Jewish music CD. Rather, it was about celebrating a monumental achievement with the yidden of the world AND putting out Torahdik songs with top-of-the- line production.

Which composers made the final cut? World renown Moshe Laufer, Moshe (Mona) Rosenblum, Rav Hillel Palei, Nasi of Dirshu Rav Dovid Hofstedter and his son-in-law R’ Ari Seidenfeld. Famed composer Rav Hillel Palei has a strong kesher with Drishu. Whenever Dirshu has a get together, Rav Hillel has been known to bring a guitar and sing kumzits style. These aren’t you average songs. Each and every song comes with a message and lyrics that have deep meaning.

With the songs carefully chosen it was time to decide which voices would sing them and present them to the world. Since this project wasn’t about JUST music, Dirshu needed singers with certain integrity. After making several calls, Shlomie Daskal, Isaac Honig, Yirmiya Damen and Avrumi Roth were all on board. These spectacular singers have phenomenal voices and are extremely talented at giving over meaning to compositions. Add to the mix the Shira Chadasha Boys Choir headed by R’ Nachman Seltzer with their beautiful pure voices and this project was taken to a whole new level.

The full CD is available with eleven songs, (including the four previously released on the teaser album), and is on sale for just $9.99.
The album is being distributed by Aderet music and is available online at

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