Contest – Yoel Falkowitz: Areivim!!
Areivim, the hot new song released last week by newcomer Yoel Falkowitz, has set the music world abuzz as listeners everywhere are enjoying the toe-tappingly upbeat song and looking forward to hearing what future musical treats are in store from this talented singer, whose debut album is due to be released shortly.
In addition to being released as a downloadable free single, the Areivim YouTube clip embodies the soul of the song, featuring Yoel singing and dancing with Yidden from all walks of life, celebrating the achdus that binds us all together.
Some of the faces captured in the video may be familiar, others may not. Yoel and producer Yossi Rubin invite music lovers everywhere to email a list of names of people they recognize in the Areivim video to [email protected]. Anyone who can identify four or more people by Thursday, March 1st will be entered into a raffle to win a copy of Yoel’s upcoming album!
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