The Chassidic Carlebach Has Been Discovered! Meir Rosenberg, Composer of “Ben Feiga”, With His New Hit “Ayeh”
Some know him already in America, but only now has he been discovered in Israel. Meir Rosenberg is much more than another musical phenomenon. Some call him Shlomo Carlebach’s spiritual heir. He already has a few dozen close fans, who join him for evening kumzitzes in secluded places, drawing close to Hashem through song.
Lipa Shmeltzer, who discovered his potential, already performed one of his songs, “Ben Feiga,” which caused a stir with its video clip and rocky style of production. Rosenberg himself is much more conservative in his musical style. His first single to be released, “Ayeh,” recalls the soul-touching atmosphere and style of Shlomo Carlebach.
Rosenberg, who came to Israel to learn in Yeshivas Tzama Nafshi, began composing and playing songs based on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. He soon discovered how many people connect with their message and want to hear his songs again and again. This brought him to the recording studio to start working on a new album, made entirely of his own songs.
“Ayeh,” whose words are taken from Likutei Moharan, was produced by some of the most talented recording engineers in America, combines the best of modern musical technology with Rosenberg’s heart and soul.
“They say my music is a mix of Shlomo Carlebach and Yitzchak Fuchs,” says Meir, “but I’m not looking to mix styles. I’m just looking to bring something new to music, something that brings across soul and atmosphere, and put myself into it.”
When will the album be released? “Very soon,” he promised.
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