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Aaron Razel With A Hit For Yeshivot “Kavati Et Moshavi BeBeit Hamidrash”

Aaron Razel With A Hit For Yeshivot “Kavati Et Moshavi BeBeit Hamidrash”

“7 years ago,” recalls Razel, “I was on a shlichus with my family in India. My brother Rabbi Yehuda, was giving a Daf Yomi shiur when they starting new rotation for Shas and I joined in”. “In two months I will hopefully finish Shas”.

Thus began the connection of Aaron Razel Torah, a Jewish music artists who was known for what used to be mistakenly called “alternative music”. The long journey of Aaron Razel into the beit medrash affects the work and daily routine of Aaron and has profound implications with regard to the atmosphere that makes the study of Torah laboriously.

Each and every morning, he headed to engage in Torah study. The musical work that continues to arise from great animation, something he sees the existence of purpose and an essential part of his life, expressed only in the second half of the day by simchos and celebrations. “Torah study has changed my life,” says Razel. “The new album reflects a process I go through, some call it “ישיביש’יות מאוחרת” and is crisp and clear and has a motive, love of Torah”. “aybe they expelled me from Gush Katif, but from the Beit Midrash is impossible”.

Half an album is already recorded, and the rest he will finish up in the coming days. Aaron says that the new singles are a direct result of what happens in real life. The first single from the new path, is already seeping in and envelops the soul spiritual values. Production has been invested, much that is written with care and sound moves a powerful sense of real yearning to learn Torah occupying her audiences. The message, climbing from the heart and establishes his place at the top above all the daily thoughts …

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Aaron RazelKavati Et Moshavi

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