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The 10 Semi-Finalists of A Jewish Star Competition

10 Semi-Finalists received the most votes in and Soul II Soul’s ‘A Jewish Star’ singing competition.

Judges Avraham Fried, Mendy Pellin and Michael Sojcher will choose three finalists from your top ten.
The three finalists will perform at the Soul II Soul concert on March 7, 2010 in Brooklyn, NY.
The contestants are listed in order of amount of votes, starting from ten up to number one who received the most votes.

10 Semi-Finalists in A Jewish Star Competition from on Vimeo.

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1 comment

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  1. Efriam Weinfeld
    Efriam Weinfeld 29 January, 2010, 02:00

    I personally voted for Avraham Ohayan A.K.A #2 on video, I love his voice and the song fit it pefectly.Heres hopin he wins.

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