Shalom Aleichem – Mendy J, Mendy Hershkowitz Band and Zemiros

Mendy J is back with an all-new song that’s sure to top your Shabbos playlist! Recorded live, ‘Shalom Aleichem’ features the incomparable Mendy Hershkowitz Band and the signature harmonies of Zemiros Choir. This uplifting composition by Yochanan Gordon brings new life to the familiar words, guaranteed to elevate your Shabbos.
3:14 – Shalom Aleichem
Brought to you by:
The Purple Point –
Composed by Yochanan Gordon
Arranged by Mendy Hershkowitz
Orchestra: Mendy Hershkowitz Band
Choir: Zemiros Choir
Video: Motti Engel
Edit: Insight Studio
Cameo: Mendy Pellin
Marketing: I & Me Media
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