Yosef Karduner Presents Menorat Hazahav: The Golden Menorah – Breslov Chanukah Songs
Just in time for Chanukah comes a brand new album from renown Israeli artist Yosef Karduner. The new album entitled Menorat Hazahav: The Golden Menorah – Breslov Chanukah Songs comes literally right out of the recording studio. Yosef Karduner’s brand new album consists of 11 authentic Breslov Chanukah songs, traditionally sung around the Chanukah Menorah. Menorat Hazahav will bringing 100’s of years of tradition into the 21st century. This amazing new album also features two superstar guest vocalists each a rising star in their own right, Aaron Razel and Yitzchok Meir. Their melodious voices add a whole new dimension to the album enhancing these ancient songs.
The album is in stores now and available on JewishJukebox.com.
Click PLAY below to hear the song U’menotar Kankanim
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