Yosef Gestetner – Chuneini [Official Music Video]
When tragedy strikes, it serves as a wake-up call to us all. It’s a time for us to dig deep, return to Hashem and beg him to have mercy on us. May this soul-stirring melody combined with the powerful words of Dovid Hamelech awaken our hearts and give us the strength to hold on. But Hashem, how much longer can we wait?
This song is dedicated to my cousin Shragee Gestetner a”h, who was niftar in the Meron tragedy exactly one year ago today. A fitting tribute echoing Shragee’s unforgettable “Chuneini… malkeini vaaneini.” As a popular singer and renowned talmud chacham, Shragee remains an inspiration to us all.
Composed by: Yosef Gestetner
Produced by: Doni Gross
Video Produced by: Motty Berkowitz
Set Assistant: Gavriel Resnicoff
Violinist: Boris Corchesco
Guitarist: Ezra Eliyahu
Painist: Chaim Itzkowitz
Artwork and Marketing: Tzvi Fishoff
Special Thanks:
Rikki Gestetner
Mommy Gestetner
My Amazing Family
Shragee’s Family
Yossi Green
Yossi Tyberg
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