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New York Boys Choir Releases Single: Kids of Courage

New York Boys Choir Releases Single: Kids of Courage

New York Boys Choir, one of the freshest sounds on the Jewish music scene, under the guidance of renowned producer Yitzy Bald, join forces with Kids of Courage, the famed volunteer organization that turns the dreams of children with serious medical conditions into reality by providing them with medically supervised trips, weekends and other events.

The song, Kids of Courage, is an all new composition written by Yitzy Bald for this project and depicts the solidarity between the boys of NYBC with the amazing youngsters that are the Kids of Courage.

“There are no words that could possibly express the importance of what this organization does,” said Yitzy Bald. “New York Boys Choir is thrilled to play even a small part in helping Kids of Courage, by letting the world know the amazing things this organization does for these kids, giving them hope and helping them recapture the essence of what it means to be a kid. We hope that our fans will join us and do whatever they can to help Kids of Courage in their all important work.”

For more information on the New York Boys Choir visit their website at

For information on Kids of courage, visit

The song is available to for download on both and as well in the coming days on Amazon & iTunes. Yitzy Bald told us at Jewish Insights that a exclusive Music Video was created for this song and it will be released in the next few days.

Click PLAY below to hear a sample of the song

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Kids Of CourageNew York Boys ChoirNYBCYitzy Bald

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