Yonatan Shainfeld – Ahavat Chinam [Official Music Video]
A moment after Yom Kippur, in the chag atmosphere, Yonatan Shainfeld releases a new single “Ahavat Chinam“. The songs was written by Shuki Salomon who also accompanied Yonatan in producing the song. For the last while the Israeli society has been cleaning it wounds from attacks of antisemitism, and hate and on from that background stems this project produced by David Fadida and calls together all of Am Yisrael to have more Ahavat Chainam.
Together with the song Yonatan is also releasing a music video together with Shuki on the eve of yom kippur on the streets of Bnei Barak. The clip was recorded on smartphones only directed by intagramer Dudi Kepler, and conveys perfectly the message of the song. For many hours Shuki and Yonatan went around the city to various spots and captured “Ahavat Chinam“.
Immediately after Yom Kippur the project became viral and people were going out and sharing snippets and tagging #Ahavat_Chinam.” That is exactly the goal we wanted to reach with this song”, Tells Shuki. “To Create within Israeli society more Ahavat Chinam, that despite all the fighting and arguing we are all brother. Yonatan is the most appropriate to sing this song. Its an honor for me to be part of this project.
“When Shuki sent me the lyrics for the song, I connected to them right away”, tells Yonatan. “I think my job as a singer is to connect hearts with one another and I am very happy we created this song together. Once I was sitting in front of the lyrics the harmony just came out of me and it interprets the song perfectly”.
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