Yom Zeh – Asher Schick [Single]
By Asher Schick
Composed by Yosef Schick
Music by Shua Finkel
Mixed and Mastered by Jack Shore Studios – Jerusalem
לע״נ שרה רחל בת ר׳ שמואל הכהן
Many people have heard of Yom Kippur Katan, and many even say it monthly by mincha on Erev Rosh Chodesh, yet the words never seemed to have become familiar in the music world. A Yiddishe song is supposed to connect us to tefillos and divrei tanach and chazal, and this tefillah has so many powerful words that we felt it needed to be spread to help people appreciate this holy tefillah.
The Chofetz Chaim was once asked why he was so makpid to say Yom Kippur Katan.
He gave a mashal to a train travelling across the continent.
A large and powerful train can go the entire weekslong trip without stopping. A simple train can only be loaded with enough fuel and food for a few days without the riders needing to take a break.
So too by us yidden. The yidden from the times of chazal were able to have one Yom Kippur and they’d have enough chizzuk and hisoirerus to last the entire year. But for us simple Galus yidden, there’s no way we can go the whole year with one Neilah, one Kabolas Ol Malchus Shomayim. That’s why we have Yom Kippur katan. To keep the fuel going so we don’t stop Chas vshalom. And this was the Chofetz Chaim talking for himself! How much more so for us.
With that, we hope this song resonates and with Hashems help that our zechusim should be as big as the moon once was, with the coming of the eternal light Bimheira Byameinu!
יום זה
יהי משקל כל חטאתי
בטל במעוטו כדמות ירח היום
לבד מספר זכויותי ירבה
ויציץ ציץ ויהי פורח
On this day, let the sum of all my sins be nullified in its smallness, like the moons shape today. (The moon is its smallest on Rosh Chodesh)
But may the amount of my merits increase, give forth blossoms and flower.
וּברוב חסדיך אתה מלכּי
תקום תרחם את ציון קדשינו
דירת מנוחסך שים כּבוד כּי בהּ נעלה
עולות ראשי חדשינו
With your abundant kindness, You my King, You will arise and have mercy on Tziyon, our Sanctuary. Give glory to the abode of Your dwelling for in it we will bring up our Karban Olah on Rosh Chodesh.
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