Yoely Greenfeld: New Album Promo 1
Get ready for the new smashing hit album from Yoely Greenfeld produced by well known Naftali Moshe Schnitzler.
It’s promised to be the “talk of town” iy”h with a new amazing voice and an awesome array of songs composed, arranged and conducted by the best of the best:
Yitzy Walnder, Moshe Wertzberger, Lipa Schmeltzer, Pinny Ostreicher, Motty Illowitz, Dovid Kaufman, Pinky Weber, Naftali Weill, Sruly Meyer, Naftali Schnitzler, Moshe Laufer, Ruli Ezrachi and Moishie Roth,
The album is due to be released after chanukah iy”h.
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