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Yoeli Klein & WonderChild Natan Fuchs In A Duet “Va’Afilu B’Hastarah”

Yoeli Klein & WonderChild Natan Fuchs In A Duet “Va’Afilu B’Hastarah”

Anyone who has been lately to a Simcha or has participated in a Kumzitz could not have helped but to have heard the exciting new hit song “Va’Afilu B’Hastarah“.

Sheya Gross and Yoeli Klein composed the song to the words of Rabbi Nachman.

The song has managed to be played in many events and occasions and has become an integral part of authentic Chassidic Music.

At one of these events the talented arranger Eli Klein was requested to finally record this song.

Klein then requested the assistance of the Malchus Choir to give their incredible vocal input into the project.

This is the second single for singer Yoeli Klein, whose previous single Kol Dodi, put him on the map in the world of Chassidic Jewish music, and has since become a favorite at the simcha halls.

Vocals: Yoeli Klein and WonderChild Natan Fuchs
Composition: Sheya Gross
Arrangement: Eli Klein
Vocal Arrangements: Malchus Choir
Guitar: Avi Singolda
Drums: Avi Avidani
Piano: Eli Klein
Flute: Nachman Tzuker

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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