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Yisroel Schaechter With A Special Message For The Nine Days

Yisroel Schaechter With A Special Message For The Nine Days

The Badchan and Grammer Yisroel Schaechter has been in this field for many years. From badchening at night for Chassanim & Kallos to entertaining at dinners and various events, his talent, humor and sincerity touch all listeners.

Recently, Klal Yisroel has gone through some very challenging times between Corona, the Meron disaster, the bleacher collapse at Karlin, and most recently the Surfside tragedy. Yisroel transforms the intensity of all this grief to a positive place in this emotionally uplifting single release.

Yisroel found the Nine days an appropriate time to release this song “Ahavat Chinam” so that all of Klal Yisroel wherever they find themselves, will share in the personal and general grief. From that place of unity our tefillos will combine to help bring the Ge’ulah Shleimah B’Karov, Be’ezras Ha-shem

Lyrics: Yisroel Schaechter
Guest Singer: B. Schaechter
Vocal Arrangements & Choir conducted by: R’ Yechezkel Yankovich
Mix and Studio Recordings: Yanki Cohen
Graphics and Design: Shimon Rochman

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Ahavat ChinamYisroel Schaechter

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