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Yanki Braun In A Moving Melody To Lyrics By Lipa Schmeltzer “Shfoich Chamoschu”

Yanki Braun In A Moving Melody To Lyrics By Lipa Schmeltzer “Shfoich Chamoschu”

Yanki Braun, a member of the Malchus Choir who embarked on a solo career with the emotional song “Shomei Tefilah” six months ago, surprises us again. This time, in a moving melody, which he composed, adapted and performed, on the words of Lipa Schmeltzer, combined with words from the Haggadah – “Shfoich Chamoschu.”

As in the previous melody, this time too, it is a song of emotion in the spirit of the period, which he performs in Bruin with his unique scent of emotion, accompanied by receptions and waits, alongside the weddings in which he appears.

Behind the song stands Braun’s recent trip to the tzion of Reb Shayaleh of Kerestir, where during the journey the passengers returned to the glorious Hungarian Jewry that was annihilated in the Holocaust, while he remembered the words of the Haggadah and in a moment of hope began to compose the song.

The melody, which rolled into the hands of Lipa Schmeltzer, was marked by a unique song and he joined the production, writing the lyrics in Yiddish. The result is before you.

Listen carefully!

Composed by: Yanki Braun
Lyrics: Lipa Schmeltzer, Barak Aharon
Farkashan: Gadi Seri
Bass: Guy Dahan
Piano: Ahiya Cohen
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Clarinet: Avraham Balti
Choir: Michael Weinberger, Yossi Weinberger, Yanki Braun
Directed by: EQ Studios
Mix: Yanki Braun

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