From Weddings to the Studio: Mendy Weiss With A New Single – V’Yaazor

Mendy Weiss has been known as an artist that brings a lot of action to weddings, but time has come to release an especially beautiful professionally recorded single.
The song was written by the chassidic composer R’ Meshulem Greenberger, known from his many hits “Nodeh Lecha”, “Amen V’Amen”, “Chazon Banai”, and others. 3 of the greats in the industry, Yoeli Dickman, Yanky Cohen, and Pinchas Bichler joined forces to produce the hit. Cohen oversaw the arrangement and orchestra, Dickman the woodwinds, and Bichler volunteered his talents by overseeing the Malchus choir which joined Mendy.
“As a wedding singer who has performed for a few years already in Israel and internationally, I searched and B”H found something that is catchy with great rhythm, which incorporates the chassidic themes of neshama and dvekus. R’ Meshulem hit the target! Even though I was sure I found a hit song, I asked Meir Adler for his opinion. We all know that Meir Adler has the greatest experience and understanding when it comes to wedding hits, and he was immediately excited.”
Weiss has already performed the song at a few events and the reactions of the crowds, aka the “oilam,” have been very warm and encouraging.
“Thank G-d I have been very busy with events, and I was only able to record during the days of sefirah during which we don’t perform. This song is just the first step in my next big project and I believe that it will be accepted by the community with love”
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