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TZUDIK releases his third single “Ano Avdo”

TZUDIK releases his third single “Ano Avdo”

This is Tzudik’s fourth single from his upcoming debut album. Below is the letter we received with the single.

Dear listener,

You are now holding a little diamond from a big treasure you’ll hear about soon.
This is another single being released from Tzudik’s debut album.
Ano Avdo is a very special single, written by the legendary Yossi Green and arranged by Shua Fried, the new king of arrangements.
In the new album you will enjoy a wide range of songs written and arranged by some of the top names in the business such as Mona Rosenblum, Ken Burgess, Moshe Laufer and many more brilliant musicians.
So give yourself a little break, sit back and enjoy!
Levie Kanes, Impresario

For more on Tzudik check out his website

Click PLAY below to hear the song.

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