Tzudik Greenwald releases his first single – Blessed in Heavens Eyes

Blessed in Heavens Eyes
is the first single from the debut album, produced in our days, for the discovery of Tzudik. The debut album will be presented by Yossi Green. The album will include thirteen songs arranged and composed by Yossi Green, Shua Fried, Moshe Laufer, Mona Rosenblum, Kun Burgess, Menachem Bristovsky, Rafi Biton, Pinky Weber, and more.
The purpose in releasing this single, in times like these, is to give listeners hope and prayer for better days. This song was exclusively written and composed for Tzudik, by the legendary Ken Burgess.
It was at a random meeting between Ken and Tzukid, where Ken recognized the talent of someone who was worthy to have a song written for him
Below you can hear a short sample of the track. You can hear the full song by going to Tzudik’s all new website HERE.
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a note from tzudik
lyrics for the song
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