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The Tish of the Year: For the first time ever, Viznitz Choir Meets Yoeli Klein & Ari Reich In A New Hit single “Bo Dveikim”

The Tish of the Year: For the first time ever, Viznitz Choir Meets Yoeli Klein & Ari Reich In A New Hit single “Bo Dveikim”

Destined to take the Jewish music world by storm, “Bo Dveikim” is a powerful new single from Yoeli Klein (“Vi’afilu Bihastara”), together with wonder child Ari Reich and the legendary Vizhnitz Choir.

“The melody is composed of two parts, composed at two different times,” explains Yoeli Klein. “The first part was composed by Shmuel Lamm and friends while visiting Tzefas. When the melody was sung for the Boreshtein Rebbe shlita from America, he was amazed by it and added the second part. The song reached its completion one day when a group of friends sat and sang it together for several hours after davening at the kever of the Rivnitzer Rebbe zt”l.”

The words for the song are taken from Shabbos zemiros, “Ki Keil yitein l’kol bo dveikim.” Indeed, the majesty of the Chassidic tish and the holiness of Shabbos resonate throughout it.

Yoeli describes his decision to bring the song to the recording studio: “After the passing of R. Yehoshua Asher Rabinowitz zt”l, the son of the Parisover Rebbe shlita, a fund was set up in his memory called “Keren Yeshuos Yehoshua Asher” to help frum teens. The fund is near and dear to our hearts, so the group of friends involved in creating this song decided to dedicate it to the fund and its efforts.”

Producers Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry brought together the finest musicians in the industry for this project. The solo is performed by Yoeli Klein, who touched the hearts of thousands with his song Ve’afilu Bihastara, along with wonder child Ari Reich.

Full of warmth and spiritual longing, it is already being sung for long stretches at Chassidishe yeshivos and weddings. It has now been recorded in a studio production for the first time.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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